What Are The Reasons Why Diamond Saw Blades Make Abnormal Noises During Use


During the sawing process, diamond saw blades often make abnormal noises, feed abnormalities, and obvious cutting lines or broken edges in the cut material. These problems may be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some reasons why diamond saw blades make abnormal noises during use.

Possible factors that may affect the abnormal noises of diamond saw blades during use are:

1. The base of the diamond saw blade is significantly deformed due to external force, excessive use, overheating, etc., and needs to be corrected.

2. The clearance, runout, and deflection of the machine tool spindle should be stopped immediately to check whether the spindle and saw blade are installed correctly.

3. If the base of the diamond saw blade has cracks, the silencer/hole is blocked, twisted, has irregular attachments, or contacts other objects other than the cutting material during cutting.


Post time: Oct-23-2024